Senin, 08 November 2010

why are more and more coffee bean farmers becoming certified

why are more and more coffee bean farmers becoming certified ; Fair trade coffee is a movement designed to rectify one of the biggest inequities in the coffee economy. Coffee is one of the three most traded commodities in the world and is vital to many country's economies. However, in recent years the price of coffee beans have lowered with coffee prices being lower than $.50 per pound in August 2001. Despite the lowering cost of coffee, retail coffee prices remain high, which means that coffee growers are losing profits while coffee retailers are becoming rich at the expense of the coffee grower.

Fair trade politics have risen in recent years, as many consumers have become concerned that agricultural farmers are seeing fewer profits due to major corporations purchasing their products for lower prices. However, these corporations have not lowered the prices that they are charging to the consumer for these products, meaning that they are becoming wealthier at the expense of the small farmer and the consumer. As a result, fair trade products are becoming more common with fair trade coffee leading the way

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