Rabu, 17 November 2010

indonesian fish production

Pakar Iklan indonesian fish production ; In Indonesia, However, demand for more fishes and its derivative products continues to increase in conditions of heavily depleted of fish stocks and resources to keep pace with exploding population. Similarly, the growing fish consumption in Indonesian which increases from 22.4 kilograms to almost kilograms kg annually in 2006, is facing the stagnant of capture fisheries production – as many fish stocks are fully exploited or overexploited.

There are several considerable challenges to fulfill these growing fish demands such as (i) low growth and productivity;
(ii) environmental degradation and pollution;
(iii) lack and inaccessibility of credit for poor or small-scale fish farmers;
(iv) high costs of imported production inputs;
(v) absence of social preparation, inefficient extension services, and lack of post-production facilities and marketing infrastructure; and
(v) conflicts in water usage.

Failures to manage these challenges will risk the enhancement of fish production and its competitiveness. It then potentially harms the future of fish supply which leads to the distraction to food security.

The above conditions call for applicable solutions. It also remains the question of how to formulate research based policies on marine and fisheries development by enhancing fisheries production and competitiveness through sustainable and responsible fisheries practices. To foster discussion, information exchange, and communication on fisheries production enhancement and its competitiveness, Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socioeconomics (RCMFSE), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Hasanuddin University organize the International Seminar on Indonesian Fisheries Development: Enhancing Fish Production and Competitiveness in International Market.

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