Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

Stock Movements Federal Weird

Stock Movements Federal Weird ; Indonesia Stock Exchange rate movements PT Federal share (AUTO) did not fair so the stock exchange to enter into the category of unusual market activity / UMA. "There was an increase of price and share trading activity out of the ordinary compared to the previous period," said Director of Corporate Valuation IDX Eddy Sugito, Friday (30 / 4).

Eddy said the exchange had asked for confirmation to the company on 16 April 2010 and has announced its confirmation to the public on April 19, 2010. According to Eddy, AUTO shares rose Rp1.350 to the position of USD 15 200 per share. "Exchange is currently looking at price developments and the activities of automotive component transaction of this," explained Eddy.

Eddy hopes investors pay attention to the answers listed companies on the stock exchange confirmation. Also review corporate action plan the company before any approval of the General Meeting of Shareholders. They were also asked to consider various possibilities that can arise at a later date before making investment decisions

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