Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Saturated Cellular Industry Approach Point

Saturated Cellular Industry Approach Point : The growth of mobile phone users in Indonesia is still experiencing a high increase. In fact, some operators are still experiencing spikes in the estimated number of subscribers. However, penetration of mobile phone users in Indonesia is estimated at close to saturation point.

According to Chairman of the Indonesian Cellular Phone Association (ATSI) Sarwoto Atmosutarno, penetration of mobile phone users in Indonesia currently reached 80 percent after 15 years to develop. The total number of mobile subscribers is expected to penetrate a number of around 180 million.

"With 80 percent penetration (penetration), then this industry may be regarded as close to saturation (the limit)," said Sarwoto Atmosutarno in the arena of Indonesia Cellular Show and Festival Komputer Indonesia 2010, in Jakarta Convention Center, Wednesday (14/07/2010).

Told Sarwoto, who is also President Director of Telkomsel, Indonesia's cellular industry revenues reached more than Rp 100 trillion, with an investment value of more than 2 billion U.S. dollars. "The industry continues to grow with BTS exceeded 100,000 and the number of TRX 1.4 million mobile broadband users more than 30 million," he said.

Seeing the rapid growth of cell phones, according Sarwoto, need a challenge in terms of innovation and supply network to serve customers satisfactorily. "Necessary in the field of network consolidation in order to face the challenges of efficiency in the mobile industry," he said.

In addition, the presence of new communities, according Sarwoto, need to be considered as a new land in realizing the mission of the mobile industry. "We are also working with a community gathering, with participants, operators, and vendors," he added.

Today, Indonesia Cellular Show 2010 which is the largest and most comprehensive mobile exhibition held at the JCC until July 18. According Sarwoto, this seventh ICS can be utilized to increase knowledge about the public mobile telephone service in Indonesia. ICS computer exhibition held simultaneously with the Indonesian Computer Festival 2010 being held in seven cities.

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