Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Buyers dan Pembeli Cangkang sawit

Buyers dan Pembeli Cangkang sawit : A buyer is any person who contracts to acquire an asset in return for some form of consideration. When someone gets characterised by their role as buyer of certain assets, the term "buyer" gets new meaning:

A "buyer" or merchandiser is a person who purchases finished goods, typically for resale, for a firm, government, or organization. (A person who purchases material used to make goods is sometimes called a purchasing agent.) In product management, buyer is the entity that decides to obtain the product.

Kami membutuhkan cangkang kelapa sawit min 5000 ton perbulan rutin untuk bahan bakar bagi supplier yg bersedia mensupply harap menghubungi saya terima kasih.

kami dari PT. PKKS sedang mencari / membutuhkan Cangkang Kelapa Sawit untuk dapat di ekspor ke luar negeri sebanyak 25000ton/bulan, selama 4 tahun. harga yang kami tawarkan USD22/ton FOB.. apabila ada yang dapat memproses permintaan kami, silakan menghubungi kami di :

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