Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Will Insurance Protect Your Travel

Will Insurance Protect Your Travel; ERUPTION volcanoes in Iceland has been making in the European air traffic disrupted. As a result of this latest disaster, many of the tourists who contact their insurance company. Some can be treated but many do not.

"According to insurance industry estimates, approximately one of three holidays are covered by insurance. Accses Like America, the largest travel insurance companies, for example, received reports of thousands of customers affected by the impact of volcanoes in Iceland," says Christopher Elliott, travel columnist was quoted as saying msnbc.com.

Here are the steps that can be done when you travel to face natural disasters such as in Iceland:

Read your insurance policy
Most people ignore travel insurance policies when they reserve a trip. In fact, this insurance is something important. When buying insurance, read in detail the provisions restrict. Not every policy that specifically mention events such as volcanoes, but rather refers to a natural disaster. However, it helps you a bit fussy to ask your rights.

Contact the insurance company
You should immediately contact the insurance company when there is a problem in the travel and wanted to do klain. This preliminary information will be useful for insurers to follow up the claims process further. Instead, communication is done through electronic mail (email) so that your reports are well documented. Furthermore, the formal claim process you can do after arriving home.

If you have a legitimate claim, ask.
When submitting a claim, you must fill out the claim form as completely as possible and complete all the required documents. If your claim is rejected, the rejection notice must include the reasons why the claim is rejected, such as lack of information or documents and instruct you to complete lack of documents.

Do not accept no for an answer
If you are denied, get information in writing. Ask how the complaints process and follow the prompts. If a complaint is not resolved, you can write a letter to the insurance company officials. Then also there is no answer, could write a complaint in letters to the media. This complaint will normally be given priority to be completed by the company

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